Why YouTube?
Let me count the ways. According to Forbes, "with over 3 billion searches per month, YouTube's search is larger than that of Bing.com, Yahoo.com, AOL.com and Ask.com combined."
Not only that, it can help your organization gain visibility, showcase videos, and allow others to get to know you. It can result in more inquiries and provide a dynamic format for the prospect's journey.
What Are Your Goals? Do you want to generate more inquiries, applications or info requests or calls? Do you want to showcase key events, live classrooms, student activities, competitions, trips, clubs, or sports? Make sure you know your goals and keep your channel organized by playlists for each category.
How do you set up an account?
Go to YouTube.com and click the Sign Up link.
Enter your e-mail address and a password.
Fill in the Re-type Password and Username fields.
In the Location drop-down list, select the country where you live.
Enter your postal code.
Click to select your gender and enter your date of birth.
How do you upload a video and fill in the index boxes?
1. Account - Go to Youtube.com to access your account. Save in favorites on your computer so you can go directly without logging in each time.
2. Your Videos - Go to the left hand side bar (grey section) and click on "Your Videos" from the list.
3. Create - Go to Top Right Corner (Red Button "Create"), click on the button and then click on upload from the dropdown list.
4. Upload - Select file. It should bring up files from your computer or you will need to click on where you keep them - photos, movies, uploads, etc.
5. Page - You should now be on a page where the upload is in process. Fill in the information on this page while you wait for the upload to complete. Make sure it is fully uploaded after you do the steps below.
6. Title - Put title of the video - Example: Student Leader Testimonial, Name of School, Year
7. Description - Overview of video, include hashtags such as: #Militaryschools #Privateschools #Boardingschools #Independentschools (no more than 7 recommended)
8. Thumbnail - You can add a photo here or they will select the best thumbnail for you. It is recommended to add 4 words to the video thumbnail, but you have to use Canva.com
or an application to create the design. If you want to get started, just skip that step or use a compelling photo. You can always edit videos later, even after they are published. You can use the same design each time, but it does help in search if you use keywords tied to the video.
9. Playlist - Organize each playlist. Click on playlist / new playlist / click done. Playlist examples: Competitions, Conferences, Webinars, Meetings, Testimonials, Virtual School Tour, Workshops, etc.
10. Category - Look at the list and select the best category, If you are a school, you will select "Education."
11. End Screen - Advanced settings including end screens and cards. This is highly recommended. To add an end screen, click on design choice from one of the boxes. It will upload the logo or photo that you put in when setting up the channel in one of the boxes. The end screen will show "subscribe" and show your channel so people will subscribe to see future videos. Note: If you do not have a logo or photo uploaded yet for the channel, you can do that later. It pulls the photo or logo from your Google account.
12. Cards - Add a card so you can show the website address floating over the video. Put website under "teaser text" and put brief info about video under "custom" - example: "SAT exam study tips."
13. Publish - Click on "public" once you are ready to show it. If you still are working on details, you can save it as private and continue to edit the draft.
14. Schedule Video - For best results, schedule for Saturday or Wednesday between 12-3:00 or do research for best timing.
Why Check Analytics?
Keep a watch on the left bar in your account where you can check analytics to check for highest views and performance metrics. This will help you finetune the titles, descriptions, hashtags, and much more. Focus on what the data is telling you and become responsive to your audience to maximize results.
How to Promote My Channel?
The work is not done after publishing. To expand audiences and to promote the channel, use Instagram, Facebook, Email Newsletters, Website icons, and more.
Look for channels that are doing well. Check their titles, hashtags, descriptions, links, duration, thumbnail, content, and more. This will give you ideas on ways to increase your visibility and get more views.
In the video, get right to your content, but at the end ask your audience to subscribe and ring the bell, like, share, comment. YouTube watches for engagement and watch time, so hold their attention to the end.
Any Technology Tips?
1. Clean your camera
2. Use a selfie stick if using a cell device
3. Use good lighting
4. Consider an audio lightning jack
5. Use the highest quality
Any Video Tips for YouTube?
1. Avoid being long or too short. Do videos that last at least 7 minutes and use catchy titles.
2. Use a thumbnail with 4 keywords if possible.
3. Use playcards to encourage views of other videos in your channel
4. Use endscreens to call out your what you have to offer or your website.
5. If you have info to share, consider filming on Zoom.com where you can screen share.
6. Use catchy titles and check competitors for the best ones with the highest views.
7. Load a full description with an overview of the video, links to resources, products, services, hashtags, and contact information.
8. Use top keywords as hashtags in your description so they show as links under your channel.
We hope this information is helpful to you In summary, a YouTube Channel can really ramp up your marketing results if it is well thought out and has strong content. Send in the band and play your tune long and loud!
Receive a Free 60 Minute Consultation on ways to set up or enhance your channel or any topic of choice, please reach out by email: info@apertureadvisory.com
Check Out Our YouTube Channel under Aperture Advisory Associates or Candace Heidenrich for videos about enrollment, marketing, enneagram personality tests, and much more.
Take a FREE Enneagram Assessment by visiting apertureadvisory.com/shop
Aperture Advisory Associates offers advisory sessions, marketing project services (SEO, SEM, WEB, Copywriting) and Enneagram Team Building workshops.

The tips are quite helpful, thank you.
I would like to add a few more words of my own... Don't forget to change the format and compress the video if you recorded it on your phone, for example interviewing or something else. This is easily done with a converter, click here and learn more about that. This will help you reduce the size of the video and upload it to any site.